10. Solutions: Self JOINs

Self JOINs

SELECT we1.id AS we_id,
       we1.account_id AS we1_account_id,
       we1.occurred_at AS we1_occurred_at,
       we1.channel AS we1_channel,
       we2.id AS we2_id,
       we2.account_id AS we2_account_id,
       we2.occurred_at AS we2_occurred_at,
       we2.channel AS we2_channel
  FROM web_events we1 
 LEFT JOIN web_events we2
   ON we1.account_id = we2.account_id
  AND we1.occurred_at > we2.occurred_at
  AND we1.occurred_at <= we2.occurred_at + INTERVAL '1 day'
ORDER BY we1.account_id, we2.occurred_at


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